22 April 2014

#LGBTApril book recs

LGBTA+ Book Recommendations

It's been a while since I've made a book recs post, and since it's LGBTA+ month, I have the perfect excuse. It's becoming harder and harder to find queer books in genre fiction, mostly because I've already read the books out there . But every so often I stumble across a few gems, and these are the ones I've found.

Books I have read and personally recommend:

The Proxy series | Alex London (Gay main character)
 The Coldest Girl In Coldtown | Holly Black (Transgender secondary character)
The Dream Thieves/The Raven Cycle | Maggie Stiefvater (Gay main/secondary character)

The Demon's Lexicon series | Sarah Rees Brennan (Gay secondary character)
The Lynburn Legacy series | Sarah Rees Brennan (Lesbian secondary character)
The Pantomime series | Laura Lam (Intersex main character)

Books I have yet to read but other people recommend:

 Every book ever by Malinda Lo (Lesbian main characters abound)

 Books I know are LGBTA+ but don't know in what way:

The Culling | Steven Dos Santos
Coda | Emma Trevayne
Witch Eyes | Scott Tracey


  1. Pantomime! I love that series. <3 Adaptation and The Culling are goo~d too. :) Nice list!

  2. Oh my god I didn't know all these books had LGBT+ secondary characters! I would've mentioned them in my last post if I saw this post beforehand. I really want to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and now I want to even more. I've heard that The Raven Boys is super slow at the beginning though so I might have to save that for a read-a-thon or something. Awesome post!

    1. I LOVE The Coldest Girl In Coldtown. Highly recommend it! Finding a trans* character in that book was such a lovely shock.

      The Raven Boys is one of my favourite books ever. It IS a little slow to build (all Maggie's books are) but the wonderful prose and characters more than make up for it, and the second book focuses entirely on a gay character, which is awesome.
