30 June 2014

Reading round up (32)

Reading round up is a weekly journal where I record my daily reading progress and my thoughts on each book as I read it. If I finish Mila 2.0 and Queen of The Tearling, it'll be a goddamned miracle.

23rd June

So I finished Queen of The Tearling (somehow I read 30% in one day; it almost killed me), and because I was quite disappointed with the epic fantasy-ness of it, I started The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke (15%), which I ADORE already. The voice is just lovely and unique and full of character.

24th June
Current page/percent: 64%
Read today: 49%
Thoughts: Guess who's put Mila 2.0 on the back burner? Yep. It's me. I really love The Assassin's Curse though. <3______<3 Breezing through it and I don't want it to end. The romance is slaying me.

25th June

Finished The Assassin's Curse (36%), and went straight into The Pirate's Wish (25% read). I'm gonna have to buy both these books, and Clarke's new book (even though the second in the duology won't ever be released) because I'm in love with her writing and world building and just EVERYTHING. Highly recommend, best series I've read all year, tied with Falling Kingdoms for my fave high fantasy.

26th June
Current page/percent: 78%
Read today: 53%
Thoughts: I'm going to cry.

27th June
Current page/percent: 100%
Read today: 23%
Thoughts: That ending was both upsetting and hopeful. I am SO sad to say goodbye to these books even though I only started reading them five days ago. They've proper found their way into my heart. 

28th June

Started Elusion (24%). Not sure how I feel about it so far. I can see it's going to fall into the best friend in love with the protag, protag in love with hot new guy trope. 

29th June
Elusion is boring me, Mila 2.0 is boring me, So I started Beware The Wild by Natalie C. Parker. I've read 32% of it and already it's freaking awesome.

Books finished this week: 3
(1/2 miracles accomplished!! AW YEAH)


Books added to my collection:

Skulk | Rosie Best
Cracked | Eliza Crewe
This Is Not A Test | Courtney Summers

I can't even talk about Strange Chemistry going down or I'll cry. I'm very upset. I'm going to be buying up every SC book in the next few months, both as protest and because I have to while they're still available. Also This Is Not  A Test was a pound so ... 

(I am now OFFICIALLY on a book buying ban until August. Kindle cheapies don't count, but I can't buy ANY paperbacks. I need to make a dent in the ones I already have!!!)

Queen of The Dark Things | C. Robert Cargill

I won this on Goodreads from Gollancz (God bless you Gollancz) and I'm very excited to have it. I need to read the first book though.

Illusions of Fate | Kiersten White

And I got this for review from HarperTeen. Aw yiss. Been waiting for this for EVER.

28 June 2014

#ReadWomenMonth final update

Read Women Month is almost over, though lets be real, every month is basically read women month for me. I love lady authors, what can I say? I really enjoyed this challenge, though it did set me back in reading one galley (not a big deal, really), and would definitely do it again if Stasia made it an annual thing.

Here's what I ended up reading for the whole month:


I think I did pretty good. I read a couple extra books than I usually would have, and a tonne of novellas and short stories, so the motivation to read was extra awesome. I'm definitely lagging now, though, and I'm suffering from a major Assassin's Curse hangover so I doubt I'll read as many books next month.  I didn't get around to making a women writers rec list, but if you trawl my 'absolute favourites' tag take those all as recs. I did, however, do this tag post which was fun and found a new favourite series in The Assassin's Curse which I recommend to EVERYONE.


The Pirate's Wish (Review)

The Assassin's Curse: The Pirate's Wish | Cassandra Rose Clarke
Published by: Strange Chemistry, June 18th 2013
Genre: YA, High Fantasy
Pages: 330
Format: Ebook
Source: Purchased

After setting out to break the curse that binds them together, the pirate Ananna and the assassin Naji find themselves stranded on an enchanted island in the north with nothing but a sword, their wits, and the secret to breaking the curse: complete three impossible tasks. With the help of their friend Marjani and a rather unusual ally, Ananna and Naji make their way south again, seeking what seems to be beyond their reach.

Unfortunately, Naji has enemies from the shadowy world known as the Mists, and Ananna must still face the repercussions of going up against the Pirate Confederation. Together, Naji and Ananna must break the curse, escape their enemies — and come to terms with their growing romantic attraction.

I went straight into this after finishing the first book, The Assassin's Curse, because I loved it just that much, and needed more. I still need more.

Ananna and Naji continued to break my heart and kick ass, and Marjana only grew in my heart the more I read about her (Ladies who like ladies represent!!) But by far the character who stole the show was Ongraygeomyrn. Manticore of my heart. I'm begging for a series entirely from her point of view. I'm sure she has some exciting adventures. I also loved the ending and the third impossible task - I won't say anything explicitly since I try to avoid major spoilers but just ... SHARKS!! 

I especially loved Ananna being of high rank aboard her ship, and Naji realising he has feelings for her (finally!) The world building and writing was as colourful and bright and delightful as in the first book and I am just falling head over heels for this author. I wish I had time in my schedule to read her other books, but I'm gonna read the short stories and hope that sates my craving (doubt it.)

I laughed, I sobbed, I screamed at my e-reader. I went through every emotion possible in the 330 pages of this book. I adore literally everything and I'm going to be talking about this series for a long time. This story is one that's burrowed into my heart.

I cannot recommend this series enough. Wonderful multifaceted characters, an original voice, my favourite fantasy world to date, and a story bound to capture the heart of every reader. 

Characters ★
Setting/world building ★
Writing Style ★★

26 June 2014

The Assassin's Curse (Review)

The Assassin's Curse: The Assassin's Curse | Cassandra Rose Clarke
Published by: Strange Chemistry, October 2nd 2012
Genre: YA, High Fantasy
Pages: 298
Format: Ebook
Source: Purchased

Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to another pirate clan. But that only prompts the scorned clan to send an assassin after her. When Ananna faces him down one night, armed with magic she doesn't really know how to use, she accidentally activates a curse binding them together. 

To break the spell, Ananna and the assassin must complete three impossible tasks--all while grappling with evil wizards, floating islands, haughty manticores, runaway nobility, strange magic...and the growing romantic tension between them.

I thought as soon as I read the first paragraph that I was going to fall head over heels for this book.

I wasn't wrong.

The voice is unique, witty, and wonderful to read. The writing itself is a delight, and the characters - oh, how I adored the characters. Ananna is my favourite pirate in the entire world right now. I loved how capable she was, how she wasn't afraid to run into a fight, and how she wasn't afraid to allow weakness in, missing her family, fearing the assassins. I truly, truly love her. But Naji is my favourite character in this book, in any book that ever existed, and for my love of him to go above and beyond my love for Ananna is really something. He's so grumpy and intimidating and wonderfully, heartbreakingly broken. And he just wants to be loved. Falling off a cliff would hurt less than reading this book.

I would have loved The Assassin's Curse for its characters alone, but the story is a goddamned delight and made this one of my absolute favourite books of all time. It is vivid in its imagery, imaginative in its story and characters and world. I was invested in Naji's curse and finding a cure before I even knew it.

I loved literally everything about this book - the pirates, the ships, the desert, the magic, the dark threat, the floating freaking island of terror, the little hut. *wistful sigh* *heart eyes*

My only complaint is this book is 300 pages long, and I require it, by law, to be 3000.
(I went straight into the sequel upon finishing this, and I've already read a quarter of it, and I am quickly running out of book. I'm going to cry when I've read all the Assassin's Curse stories)

Characters ★
Setting/world building ★
Writing Style ★★

23 June 2014

Reading round up (31)

Reading round up is a weekly journal where I record my daily reading progress and my thoughts on each book as I read it. I need to power through a couple galleys this week, so I can justify reading Perfect Ruin next.

16th June

Current page/percent: 20%
Read today: 11%
Thoughts: Thinking this will have a long build up, but looking forward to the world building. I've been needing a book like this for a few weeks.

17th June
Current page/percent: 32%
Read today: 12%
Thoughts: I;m confused, nothing is clear, and it's taking FOR EVER to get to this damned castle.

18th June
Current page/percent: 43%
Read today: 11%
Thoughts: I'm sick and this book is dragging and boring.

19th June

Got to 57% of Queen of The Tearling (14% read), and I think I need another book to break up the slow drag, so I started Madly, Deeply by Erica Crouch. I read 35% of it and I'm loving it. It's slow and gothic and eerie and romantic, and the world building and historical details are lush and lovely. I really like this. I'm gonna have to make time to read Ignite real soon, because Crouch's writing is just stunning.

20th June

Currently reading: Madly, Deeply | Erica Crouch
Current page/percent: 70%
Read today: 45%
Thoughts: Very emotional, this one. And now the cover makes sense.

21st June

Finished Madly, Deeply (30%) and didn't enjoy the end so much. Also started Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza (11%) which is boring me to death ALREADY. What happened to being an experiment? There's no hint of it whatsoever, bar a tiny reflex thing. Thinking this book will probably drive me back to Queen of The Tearling.

22nd June

Read another 19% of Mila 2.0. I'm glad to see the science fiction coming into it now I've hit 30%, but I'm still pretty meh about the whole thing. Is a date really the best course of action when you've just found out you're an android?? I also read 13% of Queen of The Tearling, in which fuck all is happening. If this book was 100% about Mace I would enjoy it so much more. All in all a pretty bad weekend of reading.

Books finished this week: 1


Books added to my collection:

Light Beneath Ferns | Anne Spollen
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender | Leslye Walton

When I was sick earlier this week, I just really wanted an atmospheric paranormal-esque contemporary to dive into, but I couldn't find anything on my shelves or on Scribd. So I've now rectified that with these two. Ava Lavender I've wanted for a while, and sounds exactly what I'm after (though was quite expensive). And the other I hope will be haunting and eerie and really good (it was quite cheap so I'm hoping for a gem here).

If you know of any other books similar to these (especially which deal with ghosts or death in some way) or like The Vanishing Season by Jodi Lynn Anderson, my favourite contemporary, please recommend them.

Boy Nobody | Allen Zadoff

I also bought this because it was less than £3 which is ridiculous. I've been keeping an eye on it for a while.

Book blogger tag post.

Aw yisss, questions to answer. Questions are my favourite things. I was tagged by this lovely lady a few days ago, and I've been having camera drama for a while. But I finally got a shiny new one for my trip to London, so enjoy the messy bookshelf photos below.

What are your top three book pet hates?

Not enough world building. I LOVE world building and new settings, so when there isn't enough of it it just annoys me.

Bizarre concepts thrown in where they don't go. (I recently read a post apoc with a talking snake in it ... and dinosaurs. I mean really!)

Run of the mill love interests. I think this one speaks for itself.

Describe your perfect reading spot. 

I'll read literally anywhere. Literally. But a reading spot in one of my favourite places would be lovely - either London or Cardiff bay.

    Tell us three book confessions.

    I always read the endings when I'm halfway through. (eek!)

    I have a terrible habit of bending the spines.

    I'm biased against contemporary, and won't even give fluffy romance a chance. I don't like the genre as a whole, so won't read any.

    When was the last time you cried during a book?

    Ugh, page 625 of City of Heavenly Fire.

      How many books are on your bedside table?

      I actually have books on my bed. I have a double, and I don't take up much room, so ...

      I have 4 research books (for The Legend Mirror), Heart of London which I like to dip into briefly before bed, Batman Arkham Asylum, and The Fiery Heart which I appear to have abandoned. 

        What is your favourite snack whilst your reading?

        Noo, absolutely not. I don't eat and read.

          Name three books you would recommend to everyone.

          The Scorpio Races | Maggie Stiefvater
          The Demon's Lexicon | Sarah Rees Brennan
          Daughter of Smoke & Bone | Laini Taylor

            Show us a picture of your favourite bookshelf on your bookcase.

            I have like ... three. If I had to pick ONE, it'd be this one:

            But I also love these two:

            Write how much books mean to you in just three words.

            My entire heart.

            What is your biggest reading secret?

            I literally can't think of one. Oops.

              TAG – You’re it!

              I literally don't follow that many people with book blogs, and those I do have mostly already done this, so - I'm tagging:

              Stasia, and Jen

              Because I can, basically.

              22 June 2014

              Madly, Deeply (ARC Review)

              Madly, Deeply | Erica Crouch
              Published by: Patchwork Press, June 17th 2014
              Genre: Gothic, Romance
              Pages: 182
              Format: Ebook
              Source: Patchwork Press, via Netgalley

              It was many and many a year ago,
              In a kingdom by the sea...

              Annaleigh Wells and William Calloway had a love even the angels envied. It was as if the universe spun them toward one another, like the stars crafted their souls to fit perfectly together.

              With a wedding on the horizon, fate had a change of heart. Whispered warnings from phantoms and morbid nightmares darkened every night—but even visions of the future couldn’t save Annaleigh.

              Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s poem Annabel Lee, Crouch’s period romance Madly, Deeply tells the tale of love so great, it cannot be contained in just one life.

              Madly, Deeply tells the story of Annaleigh and William, childhood sweethearts whose love is emotional, moving, and doomed. It's based on Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe and is as eerie and wondrously gothic as you'd expect.

              I loved the atmosphere and the anticipatory tension Erica Crouch set up, how it built and built, the sense that something was very wrong. There's a great unease in this book, and it was that, coupled with the aching loveliness of the romance and the lyrical quality of the writing, that made this book something special.

              I've been searching for a book like this for so long, and I'm very happy to have found Madly, Deeply. The story itself is sadness from beginning to end, the setting and world building subtle and vivid, and the characters so easy to love that you feel their pain along with them.

              I didn't enjoy the end as much as the rest of the book. I found I was more invested in Annaleigh and William's relationship,  than in William's recovery ad acceptance. I was hoping, right up to the end, for a conventional happy ending, which was dumb on my part, especially since this book is based on Poe. But I enjoyed the story overall.

              This book is a powerful love story sure to haunt every reader.

              Characters ★
              Setting/world building ★
              Writing Style ★★

              20 June 2014

              Cover reveal: Lifer, by Beck Nicholas & giveaway #M9BFridayReveals

               Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
              Lifer | Beck Nicholas
              Expected December 16th by Month9Books!

              Asher is a Lifer, a slave aboard the spaceship Pelican. A member of the lowest rung of society, she must serve the ship’s Officials and Astronauts as punishment for her grandparents’ crimes back on Earth. The one thing that made life bearable was her illicit relationship with Samuai, a Fishie boy, but he died alongside her brother in a freak training accident.

              Still grieving for the loss of her loved ones, Asher is summoned to the upper levels to wait on Lady, the head Official’s wife and Samuai’s mother. It is the perfect opportunity to gather intel for the Lifer’s brewing rebellion. There’s just one problem—the last girl who went to the upper levels never came back.
              On the other side of the universe, an alien attack has left Earth in shambles and a group called The Company has taken control. Blank wakes up in a pond completely naked and with no memory, not even his real name. So when a hot girl named Megs invites him to a black-market gaming warehouse where winning means information, he doesn’t think twice about playing. But sometimes the past is better left buried.
              As Asher and Blank’s worlds collide, the truth comes out—everyone has been lied to. Bourne Identity meets Under the Never Sky in this intergalactic tale of love and deception from debut novelist Beck Nicholas.


              ·         One (1) ebook copy of Lifer by Beck Nicholas and a $10 Amazon Gift Card.
              ·         Open Internationally
              ·         Winner will be drawn June 27, 2014
              ·         Winners will receive their book on release day