6 June 2014

#ReadWomenMonth tag post

Confession: I don't do tag posts. I just really ... do not. I love answering questions, and being tagged is delightful, but I am just incredibly lazy and thoughtless, so end up tagging nobody in return. Thus, if you're reading this post, tag you're it. (Answer these questions, promote women authors, it's all good)

Your favourite book written by a woman

The Scorpio Races | Maggie Stiefvater

The last book you read that was written by a woman

City of Lost Souls | Cassandra Clare

Your favourite non-fiction book written by a woman

(not entirely sure it counts but...) Mythology | Edith Hamilton

Your favourite series written by a woman

The Demon's Lexicon | Sarah Rees Brennan
(Honourable mention to every series ever by Cassandra Clare)

Three favourite female authors

Tahereh Mafi, Jennifer Rush, Sarah J. Maas

A book you love, written by a female author, that you don't think enough people have heard of

Inside Out | Maria V. Snyder

One woman writer you've been meaning to read but haven't yet

Alexandra Bracken (I literally just bought The Darkest Minds, and I'm reeeeeeally excited to read it)

Your favourite female-written book that people often look down on

Twilight | Stephanie Meyer (COME AT ME BRO)

Your favourite female character in a book written by a woman

Blue Sargent, The Raven Cycle series | Maggie Stiefvater
(Honourable mentions to all the Sarah Rees Brennan ladies)

Your favourite female friendship in a book written by a woman

Karou and Zusana, Daughter of Smoke & Bone series | Laini Taylor (they are the pinnacle of female friendship)

A male-written book you wish had been written by a woman

The Percy Jackson series | Rick Riordan (I liked it but didn't really love it, and I'd like to see a woman rewrite it. Preferably J.K. Rowling, if you're gonna do something do it in style.)

I was tagged in this by Stasia, most fabulous host of Read Women Month. If you're wondering what this thing is all about, you can find out here.


  1. Crap, I totally meant to include PJO in my answer for that one, too.

  2. Yaaaaaasssss Blue Sargent!!! Oh man now when I eventually get around to reading the rest of the Percy Jackson books I'm just gonna be bummed that they weren't written by JK Rowling.
