5 April 2014

Amity (DNF Review)

Amity | Micol Ostow
Published by: EgmontUSA, August 26th 2014
Genre: YA, Horror
Pages: 368
Format: Ebook
Source: EgmontUSA via Edelweiss

For fans of Stephen King and American Horror Story, a gruesome thriller suggested by the events of the Amityville Horror.

Inspired by a true-crime story of supernatural happenings and gory murders, Amity spans two generations and beyond to weave an overlapping, interconnected tale of terror, insanity, danger, and death.

How many books am I going to DNF this year? I've already DNF'ed so many and we're only on April. I'm so tired of these shitty books with their wonderful promises. For fans of American Horror Story, my ass! What makes AHS: Murder House so brilliant is that it takes tired old motifs - haunted house, murder, moving into a new, creepy home - and it weaves everything you expect with 'what the ever-loving fuck?' because you don't know who's alive, who's dead, and when you think you've got it sorted out, it throws a 360 and you're just sat there like 'what the hell just happened?' (Violet, anyone?)

This is what Amity didn't have. No suspense, no mystery, nothing to engage me whatsoever. Just a bunch of cliches and boring themes tied up in a story that failed to hook me from start to finish.

Will I ever find a good horror novel? It remains a mystery.

(No star rating since I DNF)

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