10 March 2015

Saruuh Explores NA: Shifting Fate (Review)

Descendants: Shifting Fate | Melissa Wright
Published: December 20th 2013
Genre: NA, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 214
Format: Ebook
Source: Purchased

According to prophecy, Brianna Drake was born to save the world. The trouble is, she doesn't have the slightest idea how. Her visions should have given her the answer, but they’re beginning to shift, making the danger too unpredictable, even for a prophet.

If she can just help her sister restore their hidden powers, she might be able to stop what’s coming. But an old enemy returns, and he’s got plans for Brianna and her visions.

What neither of them knows is that fate has given a stranger one chance to find her. He was trained to protect the chosen—but if he fails, the future will crumble.

You know how books suffer from second book syndrome? How the plot is drawn out to boring and the characters go a little flat and not much happens? Shifting Fate is not one of those books. It's full of action and danger, consequences and prophecy.

Shifting Fate picks up right where Bound By Prophecy left us, but from Brianna's point of view. I wasn't sure about that at first but she really grew on me. I ended up loving her as much as Emily, and admiring her bravery in the face of physical weakness even more. Melissa Wright really knows how to write female characters. AND male characters. I didn't think you'd ever get me to love someone more than Aern. But Logan. Damn, he's got that noble, duty-bound soldier thing going on, along with being blonde (you know I love blondes) and having a heart of mushy gold when it comes to Brianna. They almost killed me with their moments. "Is it now?" If you mean me crying over these precious characters, yes, it's now.

The only thing that kept it from being one of my all time favourites, like the first book, is that I didn't completely understand the Shadow thing. I'm guessing that's gonna be explained more in the next book but I couldn't grasp the meaning in this one. That's really my only issue, and it's pretty small in relation to the book.

A compelling, romantic sequel from Melissa Wright, who continues to astound me with her incredible Descendants series.

Characters ★
Setting/world building ★
Writing ★★

Come back on Thursday to read my review of the next book - Reign of Shadows!

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