7 February 2015

Saruuh Explores NA!

I've been thinking about wanting to experiment with reading NA, specifically genre fiction, for a while now. I have a knee jerk reaction where I'll automatically pass over a book marked NA, possibly because 99% of them seem to be college erotica/mindless romance and I'm judging them all by that standard. But I have this looming feeling that I'm missing out on something awesome. I want to find some good NA genre fiction (fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi - especially sci-fi) so if you have recommendations, please leave a comment below or tweet me @luxguardians. 

Saruuh Explores NA is a reading project to stop me being so judgmental about the NA age bracket, and to give a chance to some books I'd usually dismiss. I'm hoping I'll find some gems but expecting disappointment, so it should be interesting to see how it turns out. 

My first Saruuh Explores NA review should be up in March. I don't know what I'm reading yet but I'm pretty excited for and dreading it all the same. Again, if you've read and loved a NA fantasy or sci-fi book, please let me know.




    1. but Paige those are only NA if you squint!!! I need ones marked (and marketed) as NA, not squinty ones, or it's basically cheating!


    2. Netgalley has all of them categorized as NA I swear! (and trust me, when you read ACOTAR you won't have to squint to see why)

  2. Hushed by Kelley York! Okay, it's contemporary but I promise there won't be college erotica with lovely dovey. I mean, there's murdering people, messed up Archer (who I love still) and Evan, well, he's adorable and so nice and all but the point is, that Kelley York is brilliant and Hushed doesn't feel like contemporary YA.

    The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian is dystopian and sounds divine, although I haven't read it yet (bad me) but the main character is over twenty so it's definitely NA.

    There's so few sci-fi NA, I'm afraid. At least I haven't found them. Contemporary romance is the major category and there's some paranormal romance (but honestly, mostly it's like contemporary romance but the guy is vampire, werewolf or some other creature as usual). And the romance is always heavily there (not so much on Kelley York's books because she's brilliant) and I don't like it that much. I mean, I'd love there to be more NA books that are like YA but with older characters (and without the erotic romance).

    Sorry the ranting. I get half mad every time NA is mentioned because I was once upon a time so excited about it but got burned by all the romance (sometimes it's good but too much is too much).

    1. I've looked at Hushed before but it really doesn't sound like my thing at all. I don't want to read it :(

      But I'll definitely check out The Wicked We Have Done. I'm specifically looking for books marked as NA, not just YA/Adult books with characters in the right age bracket. It's more an attempt to get over my prejudice by reading something truly NA. So The Wicked We Have Done is a great recommendation!! And I'd already marked it as to read. Thank you :)
