4 August 2014

Reading round up (37)

Reading round up is a weekly journal where I record my daily reading progress, my thoughts on each book as I read it, and any books I've acquired during the week. It's August bitchessss!! My birthday month. You should buy me books, all of the books.

28th July

Currently reading: Icons | Margaret Stohl
Current page/percent: page 429
Read today: 92 pages
Thoughts: I'm crying. I'm crying so hard. It's like I don't want this to end even though I have the second book??

29th July

Started Illusions of Fate and holy shit it's surpassing my hopes. I read 75% of it in one day HO-LY SHIT. I love this book. I love this book. But white washing of the cover? PISSED. She specifically says she's dark skinned a hundred times.

30th July

Finished Illusions of Fate. Arghhhhhhhhhh. I need to own this book. Literally, properly own it. I need it in MY HANDS. I also started Exquisite Captive (5% read). I thought this book was HF but it turns out to be set in Hollywood. Which instantly turned me off tbh. Pls claw me back by having a POC protag. I mean ... jinnis, it can't be a pretty little white girl, right?

31st July

SUCCESS!! POC PROTAGONISTS. ALL THREE OF THEM, EVEN THE LOVE INTERESTS. Exquisite Captive, you're growing on me. So far I'm not hooked, though that could be because of an Illusions of Fate hangover. WELL - I say I'm not hooked but I read the equivalent of 170 pages. Eek. Not sure how.

1st August
Current page/percent: 60%
Read today: 40%
Thoughts: EVERY time I read this book I'm like meh, it's alright, I don't mind it HOLY CRAP WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY? DON'T YOU HURT MY BABY OR I STG I'LL END YOU. So ... yeah. It's one of those 'don't know you like it' books. Until, y'know, you do. 

But I can't abide the setting. I apparently hate California and never want to go there? It's described positively - busy, bustling beaches, blazing sun, weirdos everywhere and I DON'T WANT THAT. why would anyone want that? Idk, man.

2nd August
Current page/percent: 100%
Read today: 40%
Thoughts: Can't decide if the cover is whitewashed so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. But I have a super strong feeling of Whitegirlitis. This totally bored me at the end. Skimmed the last 20%.

3rd August

Started The House of The Four Winds because PIRATES!! Also fairy tale esque. You know I go for both of those. I read 9% and I'm floundering. I've having a floundering day. I read 2% of Take Back The Skies too and I'm not enjoying either, despite not having read much of them. Ugh. Tomorrow should be better.

Books finished this week: 3
(*cries bc Illusions of Fate*.)


Books added to my collection:

Sticks, Stones & Dragon Bones | Evelyn Ink

This book just sounded really cool. I've been looking for some middle grade, and this one is (I think) indie, which is even better :) (update: the writing isn't that great. Maybe better for an actual MG kid to read than critical old me.)

And now the Super Awesome Harper Haul:

Monstrous | MarcyKate Connolly
A Wicked Thing | Rhiannon Thomas
Red Queen | Victoria Aveyard
The Distance Between Lost and Found | Kathryn Holmes

That Kathryn Holmes book is the only contemporary I have EVER been hyped for. I can't even explain it, since the blurb doesn't totally hook me. I just hope the book lives up to the cover. Pls. Also the others have been on my radar for MONTHS now. I'm so happyyyyyyy. Bless you Harper Collins and imprints.

In other news: there's plenty of time left to fund the campaign for printing and shipping of The Wandering and claim your rewards! Donate a pound for your name in the acknowledgements. Donate £3 or more for extra cool stuff - bracelets, bookmarks, rare paperbacks etc. Help me give people more free books!!


  1. Love the makeover! I did enjoy Icons (haven't bought Idols yet)
    The Illusions of Fate cover, EXACTLY. I was visualising an Indian vibe, so bad cover, bad, bad cover. Like they did with This Wicked Game. But otherwise? OH THE LOVE.

    RED QUEEN. Seriously, if there was only one Harper title uploaded for the next year, I'd want it to be this one. No doubt. But you know, glad they don't just upload one, haha. ;)

    1. I never knew This Wicked Game had a POC protag!!!! That just shot up my tbr.
