2 October 2014

The Walled City (DNF Review)

The Walled City | Ryan Graudin
Published by: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, November 4th 2014
Genre: YA, ??????? I honestly don't know, man. Other?
Pages: 432
Format: Ebook
Source: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, via Netgalley

There are three rules in the Walled City: Run fast. Trust no one. Always carry your knife. Right now, my life depends completely on the first. Run, run, run. 

Jin, Mei Yee, and Dai all live in the Walled City, a lawless labyrinth run by crime lords and overrun by street gangs. Teens there run drugs or work in brothels—or, like Jin, hide under the radar. But when Dai offers Jin a chance to find her lost sister, Mei Yee, she begins a breathtaking race against the clock to escape the Walled City itself.

This book had a LOT of hype around it. Practically everyone I follow has read, received, or reviewed it, and I was excited for the chance to read it too. Sadly I have no idea what I actually read. I went into this expecting elements of science fiction OR fantasy. HOWEVER it turns out, after a bit of internet research during the middle of reading when I got hella confused, that this book is based on a real life place in our world. So it's neither sci-fi or fantasy, but a contemporary thriller. Kinda. I think? Mostly it assumes everyone knows about the walled city the book is based on, and I think very few people will have heard of it.

I was confused for most of this book, bored for parts, though Mei Yee's parts did remind me a bit of Lauren DeStefano's Wither, and I didn't mind those. But the other two POV characters I didn't care for. I liked that the world was set somewhere that wasn't america, but I didn't enjoy what I read of The Walled CitySetting and world building are major components of a book for me, personally, and I can't take worlds on face value, without explanation of how they came about.  This book didn't have that explanation.

DNF at 33%.

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