26 October 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated by the lovely Petra! This is my first ever nomination so I am extremely pleased. We all know I love answering questions about myself and books so this should be fun.

The rules ...
1) Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their site.
2) Post the award's logo on your blog.
3) Answer the 10 Questions That you have been asked.
4) Nominate 10 other bloggers and ask them 10 questions.

Name your top 5 favorite books.

The Scorpio Races | Maggie Stiefvater
The Demon's Lexicon | Sarah Rees Brennan
Daughter of Smoke & Bone | Laini Taylor
The Assassin's Curse | Cassandra Rose Clarke

 and that's where I drop off because I love so many books but I can't choose another...

Your favorite author? 

Sarah Rees Brennan

Favorite quote? 

I changed my mind. I don't like answering questions. These are too hard.

What is your favorite book to movie adaptation, and why? 

That's tough, but I'll say The Host. It's reaaaally close to the story of the book and I'm a huge fan of Saorise, Max, and Jake.

How often do you buy books? Or do you prefer the library?

It probably averages out that I buy a book once a week. My library sucks - they don't have a YA section and the kid's section is just picture books and old VHS tapes.

Who is your favorite character, and why? 

Kami Glass, Celaena Sardothien, or Ava Parastrata. BECAUSE FEMINISM.

Why and When did you start your book blog? 

I started it because I wanted to write my thoughts on books in an organised place, instead of splattering them all over my tumblr like I was. I started blogging two and a half years ago!

Name your OTP (One True Pairing)? 

Oh man. The one that comes to mind is Jessa. Jem and Tessa are meant to be.

The scariest book you've ever read? 

None. I have yet to be scared by a book, but I'm currently reading Anna Dressed in Blood and I'm optimistic, so you never know...

What was your favorite book as a child?

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett

I nominate:

Kirsty-Marie, Henna, and Chiara (because fabulous ladies whose blogs I love)

with the following questions:

1 - What was the first book you bought for yourself?
2 - Which book did you just finish?
3 - If you could pick 2-3 authors to co-write a book, who would you choose?
4 - What is your favourite book design? - not cover, but the inside (fancy chapter titles, page design etc,)
5 - What book are you desperate to own?
6 - Which book that you own smells the best?
7 - Is there a book you've been meaning to read forever but still haven't got around to it?
8 - Who is your least favourite character? The kind you reaaaaally want to strangle.
9 - Do you own any bookish possessions that aren't books? - jewellery, bookmarks, etc.
10 - If you could take a trip inside the world of one book, which would it be?

I tried to go for weird/uncommon questions that you might not have answered before. I definitely think I achieved weird.


  1. I'm glad you wanted to do it. :) I actually didn't like The Host book, but I really liked the movie. Mostly because I'm a bit in love with Jake Abel. :)

  2. Ha, choosing only four, good, keeps the fifth option to ANY book. ;) Haven't read or watched The Host yet, but love Jake Abel, seen him in a lot of things, and I mean, it's not like he's that to look at... I stopped going to my library at around 13, so crap. They're closing it now, not that it matters much. Celaena Sardothien! I still haven't finished The Infernal Devices (don't shout.) Anna Dressed in Blood didn't scare me, but it's just do damn good. ;)

    Thanks for nominating me! I'll probably have it up for next week now. :)
