13 July 2016

#FreeReadsWeek reading challenge!

If you're anything like me, you've been downloading free books onto your ereader for years and acquired a pretty hefty stack of unread books. I wanted to dedicate a week to reading as many of these free books as possible in a week, and thought you guys might like to join me.

The challenge takes place 15th July - 21 July
Begin reading whenever it's 00:00 in your time zone. For me it runs from 00:00 GMT on 15th July to 11:59 GMT on 21st July.

The rules are simple:

Read as many free books as you're capable of

This includes books you got during a free promotion and permafree books

Post as many reviews as you can! If you don't have a blog, twitter reviews, Goodreads, and Instagram are all awesome!

(Reviews are massively important to indie authors and help readers find these books, even when they're as short as one line, but if you're not able to write a review please at least rate the book on the retailer you purchased from.)

Use the hashtag #FreeReadsWeek whenever possible

And feel free to save the above banner and share it

Let me know if you're joining me!


  1. I'll be joining you! I suck at reading and updating my process on twitter at the same time, but I'll try to post updates with the hashtag as often as possible :)
