18 June 2015

The Lying Game (Review)

The Lying Game: The Lying Game | Sara Shepard
Published by: HarperTeenDecember 7th 2010
Genre: YA, Mystery, Thriller
Pages: 307
Format: Ebook
Source: Purchased

I had a life anyone would kill for.

Then someone did.

The worst part of being dead is that there's nothing left to live for. No more kisses. No more secrets. No more gossip. It's enough to kill a girl all over again. But I'm about to get something no one else does--an encore performance, thanks to Emma, the long-lost twin sister I never even got to meet.

Now Emma's desperate to know what happened to me. And the only way to figure it out is to be me--to slip into my old life and piece it all together. But can she laugh at inside jokes with my best friends? Convince my boyfriend she's the girl he fell in love with? Pretend to be a happy, care-free daughter when she hugs my parents goodnight? And can she keep up the charade, even after she realizes my murderer is watching her every move?

From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting new series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences.

Let the lying game begin.

I don't read many contemporary thrillers, or mysteries, or whatever this book actually is. So I don't have much to judge this against. But I REALLY enjoyed it. I expected the bitchiness of the characters to put me off and make me DNF but there's enough intrigue and suspicions to drive the story. And the characters aren't so much bitchy as psychopathic. I expected to guess who the murderer was right away but all the characters are so dodgy that I have No Idea. AND I reaaaaaaaaaaally like the love interest. Like really. He's a solid, supportive guy and he's an astronomer. I want one.

Loved this way more than expected. I'm surprisingly eager to read the next book.

Characters ★
Setting/world-building ★
Writing ★★


  1. YAY! I felt the same way about this book. I thought I had everything figured out and then NOPE. And it doesn't change in the later books. I haven't finished (because I was really disappointed in #4), but I still don't know everything that happened.

    I read the first PRETTY LITTLE LIARS book, and I have to say that this series was much better, in my opinion.

    I also liked the love interest. He's dorky and adorable, which are always pluses :D

    I hope you continue to like this series, Saruuh!

    1. I got the next three books in series at a book sale yesterday so I will be reading the next books soon!! :)

      I'm sad to hear that PLL isn't as good at this, because I LOVE the TV show. One of my favourite shows ever tbh. I have high hopes for the books!! D:
