27 March 2016

ARC Review: Reign of Shadows

Reign of Shadows: Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
Published by: HarperTeenFebruary 9th 2015
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Pages: 304
Format: Ebook
Source: HarperTeen, via Edelweiss

Seventeen years ago, an eclipse cloaked the kingdom of Relhok in perpetual darkness. In the chaos, an evil chancellor murdered the king and queen and seized their throne. Luna, Relhok’s lost princess, has been hiding in a tower ever since. Luna’s survival depends on the world believing she is dead.

But that doesn’t stop Luna from wanting more. When she meets Fowler, a mysterious archer braving the woods outside her tower, Luna is drawn to him despite the risk. When the tower is attacked, Luna and Fowler escape together. But this world of darkness is more treacherous than Luna ever realized.

With every threat stacked against them, Luna and Fowler find solace in each other. But with secrets still unspoken between them, falling in love might be their most dangerous journey yet.

With lush writing and a star–crossed romance, Reign of Shadows is Sophie Jordan at her best.
This book stole my heart. Well, I should say Fowler stole my heart. He's perfect and swoony and a total grump with a heart of begrudging gold. I love him so much.

More things I love about this book:

- A princess who is realistically naive after being locked in a tower her whole life, but who has survival skills and a savvy mind. She can fend for herself but she doesn't rely on masculine strength - she's very much feminine, which is a win.

- A world that is SO new and SO exciting, with dark dwellers (monsters) and a world of complete darkness except for one hour per day. Can't wait to discover more of this world in the next books.

- Survival! I don't say it enough but I LOVE survival stories, especially if they come nicely packaged in a fantasy world with a romance that makes me swoon.

- It's fast paced from page one, and wholly thrilling.

- And Fowler. I don't know if I mentioned Fowler already.... :|

Things I hated:

-THAT ENDING. Cliffhanger, why??? My precious in danger, why???

Reign of Shadows is everything. Trust me. Read the book.


1 comment:

  1. That cliffhanger was TRAGIC. I just kept trying to turn pages on my ereader, but there WAS NOTHING THERE.
