15 November 2014

Blue Lily, Lily Blue (Review)

The Raven Cycle: Blue Lily, Lily Blue | Maggie Stiefvater
Published by: Scholastic, October 21st 2014
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Pages: 389
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased

There is danger in dreaming. But there is even more danger in waking up.

Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs.

The trick with found things though, is how easily they can be lost.

Friends can betray.
Mothers can disappear.
Visions can mislead.
Certainties can unravel.

The thing I love about these books is how different they are to anything else out there. The story is truly original, captivating, and packed full of real magic. The characters are genuine people, intricate and flawed, and the relationships are gritty and painful and wonderful. The plot of Blue Lily, Lily Blue was twisty and complex, subtle in parts and severe in others. I loved it, though I don't understand parts of it even now, having finished it. I need to read it at least a hundred more times.

Characters ★
Setting/world building ★★★
Writing ★★

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I've STILL only read The Raven Boys (but considering the reactions to the last two, I'm sticking it out until the final book) but that's how I've felt about it, I love everything about it even if it's confusing at times, haha.
