Reading round up is a weekly journal where I record my daily reading progress, my thoughts on each book as I read it, and any books I've acquired during the week. Extended RRU because IT'S LONDON WEEK BITCHESSSSSSSS!!! This week there'll be a London megapost, with photos & ramblings about YALC so be on the lookout for that. I don't anticipate getting much reading in this weekend but I don't care *runs off into the sunset, singing*
7th July
Currently reading: Under Nameless Stars | Christian Schoon
Current page/percent: 67%
Read today: 23%
Thoughts: Really warming to Fane, so of course he gets injured and taken by hostile aliens. Of course.
8th July
SO bored with Earthfall that I think it's gonna have to be a DNF. I don't understand why I'm not loving it, but I'm really disinterested. I read another 15% of Under Nameless Stars, though, which I really like. A whole heck of a lot.
9th July

10th July
For some reason I started reading Eren by Simon P. Clark (27%). I recently got approved for a galley of it and I was just excited to read it. So far it's distantly intriguing but nothing much is really happening. Family drama, new friends, mostly it's waffle, but hoping it will get gradually darker. (I say waffle, and waffling, a lot and I just realised it might be an English/British or a Northern thing. Do you understand what I mean when I say that?)
11th July
Guess how much I read today. Guess. Did you guess nothing? I read nothing. I think it's safe to say I won't be finishing the Oathbreaker's Shadow in time for tomorrow.
12th July
Too busy meeting fabulous authors to read.
13th July
Again. Nothing. BUT LONDON!!!
14th July
You already know what I'm saying here, don't you?
15th July
I read 12% of Eren, bringing me to 49%. It's getting more boring with each chapter tbh. And I started The Lovely and The Lost by Page Morgan *confetti erupts from ceiling*. If you don't know, it's the sequel to The Beautiful and The Cursed and I recommend this series to literally everyone who loves a good fantasy novel. It's set in turn of the century Paris and has gargoyle protectors (gargoyle protectors who are also human babes, might I add) and badass ladies finding themselves and demons and demon hunters!!
Books finished this week and half: 1
(Barely anything read but I had a cool weekend.)
yaaaaaaaaaaaas I have SINNER!! and IDOLS!! Also bonus The Lovely and The Lost! I got the latter two for £3.99 each - NEW RELEASES, HOW CRAZY? - because Blackwells was closing down. The others were books I got signed at YALC by their fabulous authors and A Wilderness of Stars I got for free from a free books stall at LFCC.
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