8 July 2014

Earthfall (DNF review)

Earthfall: Earthfall | Mark Walden
Published by: Bloomsbury Childrens, February 6th 2014
Genre: YA, Science fiction
Pages: 358
Format: Ebook
Source: Bloomsbury Childrens, via Netgalley

The battle for mankind is about to begin in this riveting story of Earth’s invasion from the author of the H.I.V.E. series.

Sam awakens to see strange vessels gathered in the skies around London. As he stares up, people stream past, walking silently toward the enormous ships, which emit a persistent noise. Only Sam seems immune to the signal. Six months later, he is absolutely alone.

Or so he thinks. Because after he emerges from his underground bunker and is wounded by a flying drone, a hail of machine-gun fire ultimately reveals two very important truths: One, Sam is not, in fact, alone. And two, the drone injury should have killed him—but it didn’t.

With his home planet feeling alien and the future unstable and unclear, Sam must navigate a new world in this gripping adventure.

2 DNF books and 1 mediocre 3 star book, all in the space of a week? It's not going well.

I heaped a lot of hopes on this book. Alien invasions and London and  - did I mention ALIENS IN LONDON! But, sadly, it didn't turn out to be as exciting as I'd hoped.

For some reason I just could not get into this book. There was something about it from the very start. The bizarre use of 'the boy' instead of the boy's name meant I was very initially distant from the story, kept at arms length from information. And I never really recouped that distance even when I learned the guy's name.

There were some things I did really like: the aliens were pretty inventive and described really well. The imagery was vivid. But that's really about it. The characters seemed like I'd read about them a hundred times before. The plot was as familiar as it was dull. I didn't enjoy Earthfall one bit, even though it felt like a sure thing that I would.

DNF at 36%.

(No star rating)

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the way The Girl in the Well was written and it annoyed the hell out of me, I mean, the story kept me interested but just ugh. I hate that style. Shame though, ALIEN IN LONDON! :(
