16 July 2016

Guest Post + Giveaway: Calista Lynne, We Awaken

We Awaken | Calista Lynne
YA Fantasy
Out July 14th from Harmony Ink Press

Victoria Dinham doesn’t have much left to look forward to. Since her father died in a car accident, she lives only to fulfill her dream of being accepted into the Manhattan Dance Conservatory. But soon she finds another reason to look forward to dreams when she encounters an otherworldly girl named Ashlinn, who bears a message from Victoria’s comatose brother. Ashlinn is tasked with conjuring pleasant dreams for humans, and through the course of their nightly meetings in Victoria’s mind, the two become close. Ashlinn also helps Victoria understand asexuality and realize that she, too, is asexual.

But then Victoria needs Ashlinn’s aid outside the realm of dreams, and Ashlinn assumes human form to help Victoria make it to her dance audition. They take the opportunity to explore New York City, their feelings for each other, and the nature of their shared asexuality. But like any dream, it’s too good to last. Ashlinn must shrug off her human guise and resume her duties creating pleasant nighttime visions—or all of humanity will pay the price.


Calista is giving away a copy of We Awaken!
 More information can be found here: Win We Awaken

The Ace of Inspiration
by Calista Lynne

My goal was to write a post about the asexual inspirations for my novel- it features two ace protagonists- but the truth is that I can’t think of any. There is a simple explanation for this, though. I can’t name a single piece of media where a character specifically states that they are asexual. That itself is part of the inspiration for this book, because not speaking about the sexuality doesn’t make it go away. It just makes a lot of hormonal teenagers (not to mention a fair amount of adults) really confused and convinced that there’s something wrong with them. Occassionally a celebrity will come out asasexual, take Tim Gunn and Janeane Garofalo for example, but there is truly a lack of ace role models for anyone.

Hopefully asexual readers of my book will see something of themselves in the characters.

So because I can not name any distinctly asexual influences, I will instead explain what led to the formulation of my plot line. At the start of my writing career, I built my resume by getting poems published in unimpressive magazines that did not pay. Many of these had themed issues which they encouraged writers to draw inspiration from. One theme was fairytales and I had an ingenious idea: I would write a sonnet about a woman who fell in love with the sandman and became addicted to sleeping pills in order to see him. A tragedy, of course.

Around this same time a publisher rejected a short story I wrote for a contest and instead of moving along my whole brain went screw ‘em I’m gonna write a book that they’re gonna love. And I knew it was going to feature asexuality and girls loving girls.

Combining these two concepts into a romp of asexual teenage girls getting up to strange antics and dancing hadn’t entered my mind yet. The drug addiction and tragedy was dropped in favor of a happy ending, which doesn’t even need justification. My main characters, Ashlinn and Victoria, were born while I was lying down one day and imagined another girl waking up only to find someone else in her bed. A naked female who made dreams. That scene, although it is in the middle of the novel, is the first one I wrote and the story unfurled in either direction from there. The sonnet was never written. Thank God. As you can see, my writing process isn’t very straightforward.

While the sexuality of my characters isn’t based on any previous work, my greatest influences are the two people I dedicated my book to, Roald Dahl and Bruce Coville. These authors sculpted my childhood which was the foundation for everything that has happened since. Whether my fantasy world was that of The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or a bit more cheesy with Aliens Ate My Homework, the authors wrote worlds I never wanted to leave. So I haven’t. By writing fantasy I try to maintain the dreams of my youth. They also led me to my current favorite authors, Neil Gaiman and Douglas Adams, who are the frontrunners of fantasy. There are definite trends in my taste.

So this rambling post has hopefully explained to you where I draw a bit of my inspiration from. May you always feel represented and if not, I hope you feel inspired enough to write some representation yourself.

About Calista Lynne

Calista Lynne grew up on the American East Coast and is currently studying in London. She is having difficulty adjusting to the lack of Oxford commas across the pond and writes because it always seemed to make more sense than mathematics. Look for her near the caffeinated beverages.


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