30 May 2016

Monthly Round Up (5)

Monthly round up is a journal where I record my reading progress, reviews, and my favourite books/biggest disappointments of the month.

A day early post today, but I already have posts for 31/05 and 01/06 so tonight it is!!


Take The Fall
Shade Me
Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet
Damage Done
A Drop of Night
Please Don't Tell


Blitz: A Criminal Magic

What I've read this month:
Whole buncha murder mysteries. I've had a damn good reading month tbh, except for my faves (Cassian, Garret) being left for dead.

Favourite book:

I HAVE FIVE TO CHOOSE FROM. I only didn't pick TRB because it's a reread.

Biggest Disappointment:

What exactly was the point of it???

What did you read this month? Leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the ending to Take the Fall was pretty abrupt. I understand that it was for shock value, but it's been done before.
