3 March 2016

DNF Review: Steal The Sky

The Scorched Continent: Steal The Sky | Megan E. O'Keefe
Published by: Angry RobotJanuary 5th 2016
Genre: Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 448
Format: Ebook
Source: Angry Robot, via Netgalley

Detan Honding, a wanted conman of noble birth and ignoble tongue, has found himself in the oasis city of Aransa. He and his trusted companion Tibs may have pulled off one too many cons against the city’s elite and need to make a quick escape. They set their sights on their biggest heist yet—the gorgeous airship of the exiled commodore Thratia.

But in the middle of his scheme, a face changer known as a doppel starts murdering key members of Aransa’s government. The sudden paranoia makes Detan’s plans of stealing Thratia’s ship that much harder. And with this sudden power vacuum, Thratia can solidify her power and wreak havoc against the Empire. But the doppel isn’t working for Thratia and has her own intentions. Did Detan accidentally walk into a revolution and a crusade? He has to be careful—there’s a reason most people think he’s dead. And if his dangerous secret gets revealed, he has a lot more to worry about than a stolen airship.

Another DNF? For gods' sakes, 2016!!

I like my fantasy fast, and this just ... wasn't. It starts off with a bang but after that, it feels drawn out, and each thing that happens reads like a repeat of stuff that's already happened. There was action, but it didn't feel like action. It just read really slowly.

It didn't help that I didn't care for Detan. I liked him in the beginning but his immature, irresponsible personality got really grating really fast. I get the feeling he's meant to be funny and charming but nah. He was doing these really reckless things for the tiniest reason, and I kept wondering what the point was... I liked Ripka, and would have enjoyed this book more had it been from her POV, I think. 

All that combined into me having no care whatsoever what happened to the characters or with the story.

The world is superior, though, and the world building was very well done. I just wish I liked everything else, and that it wasn't so slow. Also what the heck is with the ship on the cover? Tricked me into thinking the majority of the book would be set on it! Nope, Detan just wants to steal it but doesn't bother getting around to stealing it (at least not in the first half!)

DNF @ 45%

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