31 July 2015

The Waterborne Blade (ARC Review)

Waterborne: The Waterborne Blade | Susan Murray
Published by: Angry RobotMay 5th 2015
Genre: Adult, High Fantasy
Pages: 512
Format: Ebook
Source: Angry Robot, via Netgalley

The citadel has long been the stronghold of Highkell. All that is about to change because the traitor, Vasic, is marching on the capital. Against her better judgement, Queen Alwenna allows herself to be spirited away by one of the Crown's most trusted servants, safe from the clutches of the throne's would-be usurper.

Fleeing across country, she quickly comes to learn that her pampered existence has ill-equipped her for survival away from the comforts of the court. Alwenna must toughen up, and fast, if she is even to make it to a place of safety. But she has an even loftier aim - for after dreaming of her husband's impending death, Alwenna knows she must turn around and head back to Highkell to save the land she loves, and the husband who adores her, or die in the attempt.

But Vasic the traitor is waiting. And this was all just as he planned.

This book started off a little slow, but I liked the characters enough to read until it got better. The Waterborne Blade got kinda interesting when they reached the monastery (I forget the name now), when it was impossible to know who was on Alwenna's side and who was plotting to hand her over to the usurper King. But I lost interest in that after a while - which about sums up how I felt about all of this book. I enjoyed it (a lot in some parts, with the rituals and blood magic and action bits) but after a while I got bored and wanted to move onto something new. I suppose the slow pace kinda hindered my enjoyment a bit, but I still did really like certain parts. 

I love Alwenna, and Weaver, and Drew. I think they're all great characters. I thought the threat/villain was pretty realistic, and scarier for it. And I liked the world, even if it didn't feel particularly unique. What was unique was the free merchants, and I'm still not entirely sure whether they're trustworthy or dodgy or looking out for Alwenna. I guess I'll find out in the next book. For me, this book was lacking magic - there were parts of it throughout, but I wanted more actual magic in the first half, wanted to learn more about Alwenna's water magic, but judging from the ending, the second book will more than make up for it!

An interesting high fantasy with great characters (but not enough magic!)

Characters ★
Setting/world-building ★
Writing ★★

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