28 June 2014

#ReadWomenMonth final update

Read Women Month is almost over, though lets be real, every month is basically read women month for me. I love lady authors, what can I say? I really enjoyed this challenge, though it did set me back in reading one galley (not a big deal, really), and would definitely do it again if Stasia made it an annual thing.

Here's what I ended up reading for the whole month:


I think I did pretty good. I read a couple extra books than I usually would have, and a tonne of novellas and short stories, so the motivation to read was extra awesome. I'm definitely lagging now, though, and I'm suffering from a major Assassin's Curse hangover so I doubt I'll read as many books next month.  I didn't get around to making a women writers rec list, but if you trawl my 'absolute favourites' tag take those all as recs. I did, however, do this tag post which was fun and found a new favourite series in The Assassin's Curse which I recommend to EVERYONE.



  1. The majority that I read are from women too, though shock horror, reading one from a guy! Whoo, actually I'm going to make a point of reading more from male authors, the ones I have read (top of my head, Rick Yancey, Gregg Olsen, James Patterson (the Confessions series, but let's be honest, the co-author done most of it) and now Allen Zadoff. Pretty damn good.

    1. I keep meaning to read Yancey's The Fifth Wave. It's been sat on my shelf for a year now.
