Ahh NaNoWriMo! I won't let it get in the way of my reading. I can read and write all in one day. Maybe I won't be able to find time for things like eating and sleeping but those don't matter. It'll be fine :|
Or ... not ...
Currently reading: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown | Holly Black
# of pages/percentage read today: 51 pages
Thoughts: Even better with every chapter. Shame I had no time to read today.
Books completed: 1 (326 total pages)
Day 6
It's occurred to me that someone saw I was attempting a read-a-thon and conspired to make me fail. Especially when you take into account how my laptop got screwed up, wouldn't restart, and wouldn't let me recover a thing before I reset to factory settings... Oh the joys of a blank computer *sigh*
Currently reading: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown | Holly Black // House of Ivy & Sorrow | Natalie Whipple
# of pages/percentage read today: 161 pages // 14%
Thoughts: This is super great and unique.
Books completed: 2 (761 total pages)
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