Published by: Strange Chemistry, May 6th 2014
Genre: YA, High Fantasy
Pages: 329
Pages: 329
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased
All Hanna Euli wants is to become a proper witch – but unfortunately, she’s stuck as an apprentice to a grumpy fisherman. When their boat gets caught up in a mysterious storm and blown wildly off course, Hanna finds herself further away from home than she’s ever been before.
As she tries to get back, she learns there may be more to her apprentice master than she realized, especially when a mysterious, beautiful, and very non-human boy begins following her through the ocean, claiming that he needs Hanna’s help.
I liked this book. It was such a change of pace to what I was expecting, though. Instead of a fast romp on the high seas, I got a slow adventure of islands and magic. The pace hindered me in the beginning, coming off the back end of the Super Slow Splintered which I just finished. But by halfway I'd surrendered all expectations and learned to just go with the story. Which I really did enjoy.
Hanna was a great protagonist. She was scared while brave, ordinary while special. I liked her a lot. Her reactions to being lied to and, essentially, kidnapped were the same as mine would be. I liked her fire and how she didn't stand for any crap, how she got away from the dubious friendship of Kolur and Frida and found her own way. Speaking of friendships, I adored the relationship between Hanna and Finnur and Asbera. They were such genuine cuties. (Why is it I can always remember the names of everyone in these books, when I usually forget high fantasy character names the moment I close the book?)
I enjoyed the story. As I said, it wasn't as fast as I expected, or as action-packed, but there was plenty of magic and threats and Mist to keep me happy despite that. Not to mention the references to Ananna and Naji that made me squeal in delight! For the most part, I read these books for the wonderful world and the ships. Man, I love ships. (I mean the sailing kind, though I do suspect Hanna/Isolfr will become my OTP in the next book... if there is a next book.) I honestly hope Cassandra writes a handful more books in this world - for one, I'd like to read about a teenager raised in the Mists!!
What is the Wizard's Promise, though? What did Kolur promise? Did I miss it? Is it obvious? Curious.
Characters ★★★★☆