28 October 2014

Anna Dressed In Blood (Review)

Anna: Anna Dressed In Blood | Kendare Blake
Published by: Orchard Books, July 5th 2012
Genre: YA, Horror, Paranormal
Pages: 373
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased

Cas Lowood has inherited an unusual vocation: He kills the dead.

So did his father before him, until he was gruesomely murdered by a ghost he sought to kill. Now, armed with his father's mysterious and deadly athame, Cas travels the country with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat. They follow legends and local lore, destroy the murderous dead, and keep pesky things like the future and friends at bay.

Searching for a ghost the locals call Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas expects the usual: track, hunt, kill. What he finds instead is a girl entangled in curses and rage, a ghost like he's never faced before. She still wears the dress she wore on the day of her brutal murder in 1958: once white, now stained red and dripping with blood. Since her death, Anna has killed any and every person who has dared to step into the deserted Victorian she used to call home.

Yet she spares Cas's life.

This book was nothing like I thought it would be. For one, I didn't realise the book would be from Cas's POV. I thought the story would be told by Anna, and I'm really glad it wasn't because I love the story we got. I heaped a tonne of really high expectations on this book - it had to be well written, creepy, dark, and have decent enough characters for me to be invested. Luckily, my wishes were granted.

Anna Dressed In Blood is bloody and vindictive and unnerving. But underneath the horror and the hauntings, it has a pretty big heart. The characters are easy to love, the story is unforgettable, and I especially love how the world is much more expansive than I expected - not only ghosts, but telepaths, voodoo, and Obeah. I got what I wanted and a whole lot more with this book. It even managed to break my heart into tiny tiny pieces.

It had better be put back together by the next book, or I'll haunt my own house.

Characters ★
Setting/world building ★
Writing ★★

27 October 2014

Reading round up (49)

Reading round up is a weekly journal where I record my daily reading progress, my thoughts on each book as I read it, and any books I've acquired during the week. Slow review week this week. Next week, it should pick up. I hope.

20th October

Currently Reading: The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
Current page/percent: page 135
Read today: 32 pages
Thoughts: This is taking SO LONG to read and I thought I'd fly through it. My reading rate has been cut in half by this.

21st October

Currently Reading: The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
Current page/percent: page 206
Read today: 143 pages
Thoughts: Eh, the Madman's Daughter isn't fit for my mood. I'll finish it some other time.

22nd October

 I read a sample of Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows (around 100 pages) and really like it. I just wish I had the full book but I understand why Jodi wanted it rationed. I also started Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan (36 pages read.) I'm in the mood for something light and discovered the box set I own yesterday hidden at the back of my bookshelf. I've been meaning to continue this series for over a year now.

23rd October

Currently Reading: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters | Rick Riordan
Current page/percent: page 144
Read today: 108 pages
Thoughts: These books are hilarious

24th October

Currently Reading: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters | Rick Riordan
Current page/percent: page 265
Read today: 121 pages
Thoughts: Great ending.

25th October

Currently Reading: Anna Dressed In Blood | Kendare Blake
Current page/percent: page 80
Read today: 80 pages
Thoughts: Suitably atmospheric.

26th October

Currently Reading: Anna Dressed In Blood | Kendare Blake
Current page/percent: page 225
Read today: 145 pages
Thoughts: Shipping Cas and Anna, and sensing that is a heartbreaking move.

Books finished this week: 2

The Body Electric | Beth Revis
Thank you to Beth Revis & Netgalley!!!

I'M HAVING A BREAKDOWN/RELIGIOUS MOMENT BECAUSE OF EVERY SONG ON 1989. IS IT RELEASE DAY YET???? My favourite is Out Of The Woods but every song is a gift.

Reviewed this week: The Orphan Queen (sample review) // Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

Other posts: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

26 October 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated by the lovely Petra! This is my first ever nomination so I am extremely pleased. We all know I love answering questions about myself and books so this should be fun.

The rules ...
1) Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their site.
2) Post the award's logo on your blog.
3) Answer the 10 Questions That you have been asked.
4) Nominate 10 other bloggers and ask them 10 questions.

Name your top 5 favorite books.

The Scorpio Races | Maggie Stiefvater
The Demon's Lexicon | Sarah Rees Brennan
Daughter of Smoke & Bone | Laini Taylor
The Assassin's Curse | Cassandra Rose Clarke

 and that's where I drop off because I love so many books but I can't choose another...

Your favorite author? 

Sarah Rees Brennan

Favorite quote? 

I changed my mind. I don't like answering questions. These are too hard.

What is your favorite book to movie adaptation, and why? 

That's tough, but I'll say The Host. It's reaaaally close to the story of the book and I'm a huge fan of Saorise, Max, and Jake.

How often do you buy books? Or do you prefer the library?

It probably averages out that I buy a book once a week. My library sucks - they don't have a YA section and the kid's section is just picture books and old VHS tapes.

Who is your favorite character, and why? 

Kami Glass, Celaena Sardothien, or Ava Parastrata. BECAUSE FEMINISM.

Why and When did you start your book blog? 

I started it because I wanted to write my thoughts on books in an organised place, instead of splattering them all over my tumblr like I was. I started blogging two and a half years ago!

Name your OTP (One True Pairing)? 

Oh man. The one that comes to mind is Jessa. Jem and Tessa are meant to be.

The scariest book you've ever read? 

None. I have yet to be scared by a book, but I'm currently reading Anna Dressed in Blood and I'm optimistic, so you never know...

What was your favorite book as a child?

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett

I nominate:

Kirsty-Marie, Henna, and Chiara (because fabulous ladies whose blogs I love)

with the following questions:

1 - What was the first book you bought for yourself?
2 - Which book did you just finish?
3 - If you could pick 2-3 authors to co-write a book, who would you choose?
4 - What is your favourite book design? - not cover, but the inside (fancy chapter titles, page design etc,)
5 - What book are you desperate to own?
6 - Which book that you own smells the best?
7 - Is there a book you've been meaning to read forever but still haven't got around to it?
8 - Who is your least favourite character? The kind you reaaaaally want to strangle.
9 - Do you own any bookish possessions that aren't books? - jewellery, bookmarks, etc.
10 - If you could take a trip inside the world of one book, which would it be?

I tried to go for weird/uncommon questions that you might not have answered before. I definitely think I achieved weird.

25 October 2014

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters (Review)

Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters | Rick Riordan
Published by: Puffin Books, April 30th 2007
Genre: MG, Fantasy, Middle Grade
Pages: 265
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased

The heroic son of Poseidon makes an action-packed comeback in the second must-read installment of Rick Riordan's amazing young readers series. Starring Percy Jackson, a "half blood" whose mother is human and whose father is the God of the Sea, Riordan's series combines cliffhanger adventure and Greek mythology lessons that results in true page-turners that get better with each installment. In this episode, The Sea of Monsters, Percy sets out to retrieve the Golden Fleece before his summer camp is destroyed, surpassing the first book's drama and setting the stage for more thrills to come.

It's been a while (read: two years) since I read the first book, but to my memory this is SO much better than book one. Or maybe I just enjoyed it more.

Sea of Monsters is funny and smart, and it doesn't belittle kids of middle grade age by suggesting they need adult help/supervision in their adventures. Percy, Annabeth & co. are fierce, sword wielding, and heroic. I loved the inclusion of Tyson in this, and how his character brought up important insights about bullying, brothers, and (as I see it) step-siblings. Not to mention the countless number of times i laughed, literally, out loud. I really enjoyed this book and will be reading the next in series as soon as I have a schedule break.

Characters ★
Setting/world building ★
Writing ★★

23 October 2014

The Orphan Queen (Sample review)

The Orphan Queen: The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
Published by: Katherine Tegen, March 10th 2015
Genre: YA, High fantasy
Pages: 400
Format: Ebook sample
Source: Katherine Tegen, via Edelweiss

Wilhelmina has a hundred identities.

She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne.

She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone.

She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others

Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.

The Orphan Queen is what would happen if Snow Like Ashes had a baby with Heir of Fire and something lush and historical. There's a definite similarity to Celaena in Wilhemina, an orphaned queen to a land she was forced to flee when she was young, attempting to reclaim it for her people. I liked the tone and the underlying urgency of Wilhemina's infiltration. Wilhemina is not as hard a character a Celaena (if you'll pardon the continued comparison) so I think more people will be able to connect with her, and there's definitely something alluring in Black Knife (romance hopefully!)

The writing in this book reads effortlessly, the characters are vivid even in the first few chapters, and the world, while feeling much like a lot of other high fantasy worlds, contains several notably unique elements - the wraith (think pollution, but with the power to warp anything it touches) and the glowmen.

Obviously I can't judge the plot or story because I haven't really got into that yet, but I generally love how this book (hopefully this series) seems to explore the consequences of magic.

Orphan Queen is one to watch in 2015.

No star rating since I had only a sample.

20 October 2014

Reading round up (48)

Reading round up is a weekly journal where I record my daily reading progress, my thoughts on each book as I read it, and any books I've acquired during the week. Where the hell is October going? Actually where the hell is this year going?

13th October

Currently Reading: The Eternity Cure | Julie Kagawa
Current page/percent: page 206
Read today: 143 pages
Thoughts: *swoons because Jackal*

14th October

Currently Reading: The Eternity Cure | Julie Kagawa
Current page/percent: page 299
Read today: 93 pages
Thoughts: Finally my bb Kanin is safe.

15th October

Currently Reading: The Eternity Cure | Julie Kagawa
Current page/percent: page 434
Read today: 135 pages
Thoughts: Thank God my faves survived but ... Zeke? Is he finally getting a good story arc? Is ... vampire now? Pls? Wow, this is gonna hurt and I don't even love the guy.

16th October

Started and DNF Hollow Pike by James Dawson (read 18%), which was completely disappointing. Hoped for eerie gothic and got high school drama. Nah.

17th October

Ughhhhhh I had a crappy day and now I don't know what to read. Eventually decided to read more of Between Two Thorns by Emma Newman (20%). I'm still not into it yet, but the world is promising and I enjoy the talking grotesque. (Not a fan of Cathy, though.)

18th October

I am FINALLY in possession of a copy of The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd, and so I will be breaking up Between Two Thorns with this lovely book. Read 25 pages and I already love the tone and main character.

19th October

Currently Reading: The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd

Current page/percent: page 103
Read today: 78 pages
Thoughts: It's taking me ages to get through this book but I really like it.

Books finished this week: 1

The Testing Trilogy | Joelle Charbonneau
Kindle sales are my faves. Really hoping I like this series since the last two kindle books I've read have been SHIT and I DNF them.

Too many to list.
There's this awesome books and kitting wool shop in Skipton that I went to and ended up walking away with these ten babies for £10.

I have finished all my writing obligations for the year. Hell yessss. Now to write some paranormal shorts for Christmas!

This beautiful cover happened:


Reviewed this week: Level 2 (DNF) // The Eternity Cure // Beware The Wild
Other posts: Invisible Wings book trailer